Fagor Arrasate continues with its "Germanisation"
The new Fagor Arrasate Service plant in Hilpoltstein, Germany has been in service for one year now, prioritizing customer satisfaction, speed, and efficiency. Since its launch in September 2017, and under the management of Klaus Meier, the Hilpoltstein plant has gained the trust of important customers with orders from the VW Group, Protomaster, and Tower, among others. "We are very proud of the achievements made in this first year. Our customers appreciate that we are here working to offer them what they need and understanding their challenges. Furthermore, they also highly appreciate that we are native professionals that know the local language and that they can contact us and solve all their issues in German. The customer recognizes the improvement and closeness which translates into improved reaction times in tough and crucial scenarios. We are satisfied because Fagor Arrasate Deutschland is a success story", said Klaus Meier. A good product must be reinforced with excellent service and the new facilities, in addition to those the existing offices in Göppingen, improve customer support throughout project management. Furthermore, faster response times are ensured along with expert, direct, and nearby service. With the growing number of facilities to which it offers service in the country and the welcome received by customers, Fagor Arrasate Deutschland expects sustained growth of its business. Germany is a vital and central market for the company and one of the countries with the greatest number of its machines installed. Furthermore, the company has expectations for aggressive growth in retrofitting orders for mechanical and hydraulic presses. To address this growth, the plant has implemented a personnel selection process through which it incorporates new talent. Specifically, in 2018, it added 2 workers to the existing 9. In this time, the new subsidiary has worked to establish a network of local suppliers who meet the strictest quality and speed standards. Over the last decade, a great effort has been made to incorporate the German language, its culture and its character. For this, training programs for German and its culture have been implemented and, for new employees, knowledge of the language is one of the most important qualities. The contracting of native Germans has also been promoted so the customer can be treated in accordance with German expectations. This new business culture has been well received by customers, who can see Fagor Arrasate as a partner that speaks, thinks and acts in German.