The new Cut-To-Length line (CTL) for aluminium installed by Fagor Arrasate for one of the largest Chinese companies in the production of aluminium has successfully cut its first coil. This major company has put its trust in Fagor Arrasate for the supply of a new cut-to-length line in its main plant. At the milestone of the first cut, the new CTL line only required final adjustments to start production, which is destined for the automotive, aeronautical and shipbuilding industries. The CTL has a line width of 2650 mm and has roto-oscillating shears to make curved cuts. The new line for such an important customer is an important achievement in the expansion of Fagor Arrasate in the buoyant aluminium market, a sector in which it already has several references in the Asian country, where it has a manufacturing and assembly plant in Kunshan, on the outskirts of Shanghai, as well as offices in this city and Beijing.