Last May we renewed our ISO 45001 certification (Occupational Health and Safety) after passing the external audit with AENOR with good results. This shows the commitment of all Fagor Arrasate with safety and health, and with the continuous improvement of our management system. And, above all, that we do things better every day.
We have also passed the follow-up audits of the ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environmental) standards, which recognize the quality of our work and services and our respect for the environment. These certifications are the result of the effort and dedication of all of us who are part of our organization.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our employees for their collaboration and involvement in meeting the requirements and objectives established by these international standards. We must continue to work in these three key areas that are so important to ensure the satisfaction of our customers, the prevention of occupational hazards and the protection of the planet.