The 4th Internation Convention of Fagor Arrasate, celebrated in the headquarters of the company in Mondragon during the 9th and 10th of November
The 4th Internation Convention of Fagor Arrasate, celebrated in the headquarters of the company in Mondragon during the 9th and 10th of November, gathered all the commercial team of the company all over the world.
In a very friendly atmosphere the Delegates and Agents of the United States, Mexico, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, France, India, China, Australia, Russia, Iran and Turkey, as well as the whole sales team of Fagor in Spain, Directors of the company and senior Technicians were together for the sessions.
The opening was held by our CEO, Mr. José María Balzategui, who set the event within the challenging and unstable world economic scenario and the Fagor’s Strategic Plan. The speeches were distributed in three main sections.
The first one took care of the situation of the markets for each division and geographic area, studying the evolution of the automotive, steel making and sheet metal parts production sectors. Moreover, all the trends for the future- both in terms of sales and technical developments- were analyzed.
The second section had a very deep technical character and was dedicated to study the new technological innovations that Fagor is introducing in the market, specially those concerning the cutting and stamping systems based on servopresses, the press hardening installations named HOTTEKNIK, the robotized tandem presslines with special robots WAVELINE that guarantee a significant improvement in production, the Stretch Levelers that guarantee a total flatness free of inner trapped stresses, the equipment aimed to the electric industry to manufacture parts for motors and transformers, the variable flexible roll formers that will mean a revolution in the automotive sector and the new line of rolling and processing equipment that positions Fagor upstream in the steel and aluminum sector.
The third section was dedicated to study deeply the situation of each market and the forecast for those.
The great success of our facility in China also deserved a special attention. Additionally, nine workshops were held to allow participants to use brain storming procedures to generate ideas concerning nine strategies that the Board had defined previously.
The convention came to its end with a really nice, enjoyable and fellowship dinner, full of good mood, humor, friendship and camaraderie that relieved the intense previous working hours.
Fagor Arrasate is today, in its sector, one of the most international company and has the broadest product portfolio in the field of sheet metal forming machine tools.