Home / Solutions / Hot forging hydraulic presses
The hot forging hydraulic presses are widely used in the manufacturing of parts for many different sectors like, oil & gas, railway, aerospace or in the industrial and agricultural vehicles among others.
In addition, the hot forging presses are many times used to pre-form the part before the main forging and after to remove the flash through a trimming operation.
The flexibility of the hydraulic presses in terms of available force at any height and available energy at low speed, make them the appropriate tool to form big parts at low forming speeds with high energy.
The high manufacturing standards applied by FAGOR ARRASATE, both in the main structures, in the cylinders and in the guideways, together with the flexibility offered to adapt the facility to the almost any requirement and the full integration of the equipment in one single control, make the FAGOR ARRASATE hydraulic press a powerful and reliable tool, capable to perform a wide range of works and continue working for decades.
In the Fagor forging portfolio the customer can choose together with the machine the different systems to equip the machine, such as a: positive stops to control the geometry of the part, different ejection systems or die changing systems among others.
FAGOR ARRASATE can supply hydraulic presses in tonnages between 400 and 12,000 tons.
Sectors Forging Automotive Aerospace
Technologies Hydraulic presses