Comprehensive, flexible and high output solution in which our customer will be able to supply a wide range of parts for a new vehicle platform for OEM.
The Servo Press Technology (SPT) solution from FAGOR ARRASATE based on latest market technologies will provide high productive capacity and flexibility to these two installations that will operate in newly opened workshop in Poland. The servo presses (SPT) are equipped with high torque motors and an FAGOR ARRASATE developed kinetic buffer systems for transient energy that minimizes the size of the power supply and the consumption peaks in the most demanding parts of the work cycle. Main frames are meticulously designed by FEM calculation to optimize the design and reduce stress and deformation to a minimum.
Servo Link Drive Transfer press for the forming of structural parts, the installation is provided with a powerful servo transfer presses with a capacity of 2,000 T. With 700 mm of stroke capable of working in continuous mode at speeds of up to 35 strokes per minute. The installation incorporates a tandem coil feed and destacker for being able to work not only from coils but also from sheared blanks and tailored blanks.
Servo Hybrid Tandem Line for the forming of skin panels , the installation is provided with a powerful servo lead press with a capacity of 2,000 T. The lead press with high torque and energy performances is capable of working in continuous mode at speeds of up to 20 strokes per minute. The press incorporates 8 points NC servo hydraulic cushion of 600 T capacity. The follower presses are 1000 T. link drive conventional presses with pneumatic slide cushions. The line is equipped with 7 axis ABB intrepress automation