On 9 June, HOTTEKNIK, FAGOR ARRASATE joined forces with BATZ to hold a successful event to introduce their clients to the world's first SERVOMECHANICAL Hot Forming Press.
The day started at the AIC with a number of technical sessions in which a varied programme of speakers revealed the latest trends related to Press Hardening. Paul Akerströn from the University of Lulea-Sweden focused his presentation on the current state of the art and the future of thermal-mechanical forming. Stevan Nedik, of the Volvo Cars Corporation, emphasised boron steel, while Beatriz Gonzalez from Gestamp demonstrated the latest advances in Hot Stamped components and their market trends. During the second part of the session, Harald Leman from Schwartz based his presentation on roller hearth furnaces, specifically on the thermal hardening treatment provided by this type of furnaces. Aitor Ormaetxea from FAGOR ARRASATE highlighted Servo Mechanical Presses in Hot Stamping Technology and Xabier Agirretxe of Batz dedicated his presentation to the dies used with this technology.
During the second part of the event, several tours were given of the Batz plant so that those in attendance could see first hand the operation and capacity of the world's first Servomechanical Hot Stamping Press. FAGOR ARRASATE has developed and patented the servomechanical technology for Press Hardenig Lines with three clear goals in mind: lower energy consumption and less maintenance and better performance than with hydraulic installations. What's more, FAGOR ARRASATE is the first supplier of Servomechanical Presses fully designed for hot forming. The facilities visited by the guests has a 1500 Tn servomechanical press, a multi-level oven and an automated feeding system. This installation, the first of its kind in the world is dedicated to testing dies, new hot stamping developments and pre-series manufacturing.
The large number of visitors received expressed an interest in knowing more about its features, with an eye on incorporating it into their own production processes. The event was a true success for the Hotteknik team.