March 2, 2014

Hydraulic press lines: the profitable alternative

When manufacturing a medium volume of parts, hydraulic press lines are an extremely profitable and efficient alternative

Fagor Arrasate event: Hydraulic press lines: the profitable alternative

Many sectors, including the car, industrial vehicle, agricultural, domestic appliance, aeronautical and rail industries, frequently need to produce parts in medium batches. Manufacturing a volume on this scale substantially differs, in terms of profit and concept, from the production of long batches and a common mistake is to apply the same formula to both types of manufacturing process. This is particularly clear in sectors in which, depending on the model, companies need to manufacture some long batches and others that are short or medium. It is highly tempting to use the same equipment to resolve both problems but this usually implies a significant reduction in profitability. This is due to various reasons: being used to one type of installation, not being aware of the alternatives, inaccurate profitability calculations, etc.

When manufacturing a medium volume of parts, hydraulic press lines   are an extremely profitable and efficient alternative in comparison to other options that may be more productive but they are also proportionally far more expensive; this unnecessary extra cost is unjustifiable as it cannot be recouped. In addition, the distinctive technical features of a hydraulic press guarantee the quality of complicated parts that are difficult to produce due to their geometry, the hardness of the steel, the manufacture process (particularly press hardening) and the necessary material, such as SMCs, IMCs, etc.), frequently making this type of press the ideal solution.

More specifically, hydraulic press lines are particularly profitable for companies that are starting up or in their first stages of growth

Hydraulic press lines enable greater growth and are more profitable because:

  • They considerably reduce the initial investment.
  • They reduce operating and maintenance costs.
  • They are multifunctional and can be used to manufacture parts from carbon and boron steel, steel with high elasticity, reinforced plastic, SMCs, RPFs, IMCs, composites,  etc.
  • They are also highly multifunctional because they can be used with different types of dies (in different sizes, with different features, etc.).
  • They are high capacity and can therefore manufacture every kind of part using fewer presses.
  • Delivery time is shorter so companies can start to earn money sooner.
  • Lines can be expanded more easily.
  • In addition to production, they can also be used to test and start up dies without requiring any additional equipment.
  • They are highly useful for manufacturing spare parts or parts for car models that are being discontinued because they have completed their cycle.