Received curricula will be included in a database, which is duly registered Spanish Agency, and whose responsible entity is Fagor Arrasate.
This data may be used for the sole purpose of sharing with you the personnel selection process carried out by said company, profiling your data with the objective of choosing the best candidate for the available vacant post in the company.
In the case of changes to your present data, we ask that you duly inform us of the aforementioned, in order to keep your data updated.
Should you not be in conformity with any of the previously mentioned points or wish to cancel them, we ask that you notify us in writing. Otherwise, we will regard the absence of the aforementioned notification in writing to be proof of conformity on your part with regards to these points.
We inform you that you will be able to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition via written communication to Fagor Arrasate, whose address is: B° San Andrés, s/n 20500 Arrasate-Mondragon (Gipuzkoa) or to [email protected].