Automation systems

Optimised automation for each application

The advanced software and automatic features on FAGOR ARRASATE presses and cutting lines ensure high performance and productivity. As a result, in addition to the press itself, the automation process also involves other electronic and mechanical parts and accessories, such as electronic transfers, loaders, shuttles, feeders, or robots, as well as simulation or control software. All of these components' optimized designs ensure a flawlessly synchronized process that raises the system's productivity and the effectiveness of the entire installation.

Thanks to our experience and knowledge of supplying capital goods to the most demanding industrial sectors in the world, at FAGOR ARRASATE we can offer tailored automation to optimize the process and components of our installations.

These are just some of the advantages of our automatic features.

  • We have an extensive automation catalog, so we can offer optimized automation for each application.
  • We have 25 years of experience in the dimensioning and control of automatic servo features. a large professional team to respond to any needs that arise.
  • Optimisation of cadences thanks to our digital tools (Syncro).
  • 100% FAGOR ARRASATE solutions for installations with presses
    • Improved synchronisation.
    • Options to simulate the entire installation calculation for optimal production


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